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Messages : 241 à 250
Page : 25
Nombre de messages : 502
le 07/01/2009 à 20:15
Note : -/10

Hey everyone, I'm from the c /o of 1976. I found this web site after getting an email from 'classmates' and it had an obituary list. Then I saw here on the Memorial Page we've lost Sue Turrey. Now, I haven't seen Sue since graduation night; but I was still hit hard with a sad heart. Does anyone know what happened. Same with Jeff Zabala. Wow. I heard some things on Mark Bonner a couple of years after graduation. I've never been very social after graduation, but I think of those years often. Today's Lancers, Tomorrows Leaders.
Messages : 241 à 250
Page : 25
Nombre de messages : 502