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Messages : 231 à 240
Page : 24
Nombre de messages : 502
le 07/19/2009 à 15:08
Note : 10/10

Wow - what a fun time reading thru these messages - of course looking for news from 1970 (my husband's LHS year) and 1974 - my year. I found Hilary Weiner, Larry Overton, Lori Herman, and Marc Garrison - all names from my past. How fun! As others have said, it is sad to see the memorial pages. We haven't been able to get to an "airplane park" reunion yet, but we hope to - maybe in 2010! We did attend a DeMille reunion at Heartwell park a few years back - it was GREAT. (I went to Bancroft, but hubby was DeMille) Take care - have fun!
Messages : 231 à 240
Page : 24
Nombre de messages : 502