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Number of messages : 502
on 03/29/2015 at 03:03
Score : 10/10
Hi classmates from 1963. Would love to hear from anyone I might have know way back then. Does anyone know where Bob Waltz, Stuart Hahn, Linda Coons, Gay Collins, Kay Colby might be? Have they just fell off the earth? Thanks for listening.
on 02/01/2015 at 06:23
Score : 10/10
Need to post another '60 Classmate gone - Velma (Perry) Scanlan. See the following message on her FB page: "February 27, 2014 ·
We lost a great person tuesday Velma Scanlan from hooper utah she was a bestfriend , grandma and mom to everyone and will be missed very much in our family"
on 01/29/2015 at 01:38
Score : 10/10
Hi John. Just browsing through the Lakewood Alum site and saw your name and post. Yes, the class of '65 is having a 50th reunion! Can you believe we've been out of school this long? The details are posted on this site under Reunions. I'm heading things up and would love to talk to you. Feel free to drop me an email or call me at 714-894-2666. The event is 7-11-15 in Huntington Beach. I have no current information on you. Please contact me.
on 01/21/2015 at 21:37
Score : 10/10
I am a Viet Nam Vet from Iowa. In 1969 i was getting ready to deploy for Viet Nam. I had and old friend that took me to a Lakewood HS get together. I met a great person who stayed in touch with me through letters while in Viet Nam. We also kept in touch while i was in college when i got out of the service. Last March while in DC i was standing at the Wall thinking of the people that were so kind to keep in touch while I was deployed. That kindness and those letters kept me going through the tough times while deployed. I don't know if I ever thanked her but if anyone from the class of 69 at Lakewood High School keeps in contact with Linda Maurstad please pass this message on . The kindness and her taking the time out to write i have never forgotten. To Linda Maurstad class of 69 at Lakewood High School.....Thank You.
on 01/16/2015 at 03:37
Score : 10/10

It's the beginning of a new year and I just want to wish everyone, including the class of 1977 a great new year.
on 01/06/2015 at 19:05
Score : -/10
Hello Fellow Lancers. Always wondered what happened to Paul Bell, Kent Smith, Cynthia Renfro classes of 1971 and 1972. Please e-mail me if you have any info @ Thanks!
on 01/04/2015 at 07:31
Score : 9/10
Hi everyone! Was just sitting here, after watching an old movie, and thought of all of you and how it was back then. What a bunch of freaks we were. Didn't anyone teach us anything about life, what to do, how to handle things, get through what comes our way, how to get the Sxxt of us when we step in it. I didn't hang out with many, did not know my last name was JEWISh and was being discriminated against. Just spent most of my time alone, or with all the jewish guys who I would somehow find. Seriously, I have memories of those days and remember certain people in life I knew would go far. Sorry to hear about Louis Zingery, but would loved to have been a part of his life. My sister Barbara Scheinfeld passed away in August of 2010 and I have sent the information, but for some reason nobody every gets it. She was in the class of '69. I would love to hear from any of you, regardless of how much we knew each other because I was one of those kids that knew you even if you didn't know me. I watched, listened, caatorgorized, low-riders, social country club, racers, surfers...I was and still am very adaptable and loved knowing each and every one of you. You were all like grandkids, so completely different, yet so wonderul in each of your personalities and ways. Anyone remembere Bancroft Junior High. Where are you Chris Beaumont....I still think you might be around the next corn4er. You were a wonderful girl, so smart, so pretty, -
on 12/15/2014 at 04:27
Score : 10/10
hello class of 69.miss the drums water pollo and toilet paper on Friday a retired navy man 22 years also a viet nam vet twice retired doing well in Michigan with wife Vickie and son and grandson love to fish and hunt miss the good times anybody seen caroline irish looking for her im a retired master electrician have forty acres in the country two amish neighbors on a dirt road beautiful.we class of 69 it was the best years of my life terrysie gfried bill nehring kim pambianco rose parade mr swanson grunion runs.tilet papering houses and football games also the drum line please respond im in the phone book 9894263526.see all of you byldomish sonia
on 11/24/2014 at 12:34
Score : 7/10
Class of '65. Went to one reunion many years ago (maybe the 25th??) Started having thoughts of the 50th after my bride of 24 years and I went to her 50th last year. It'd be good to see some of the old school chums. I looked through the Memorial page and remember some of the names. Luckily, I didn't see my name there
Are there any plans, in the works, as to when and where the 50th will be?
on 07/31/2014 at 19:21
Score : 5/10
It's been some life hasn't ... I have been to war' and worked for over 40 yrs... retired out and moved to AZ ... like a few of us had done over the year's.. I worry every day about the things to come and how our kids might never know what True Freedom rights are all about... for every day they take something from us...only hope we have left is to try to live out our years with good friends and family around us... and love them a little more every day. I was able to go on this site and see my friends that have passed on way before there time... yet I know that I am not very far behind them...but only time is all we have...take care my friends' ..
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Number of messages : 502