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Messages : 381 à 390
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le 10/22/2007 à 00:08
Note : -/10

Great Site! I too wish to find out what happened to Len Pika. Anyone know? I may not live near Long Beach/Lakewood for many years (Walnut, CA) but we are at the water nearly ever weekend. Husband (James Campbell) and youngest child (Andrew - 15) and myself racing sailboats nearly every weekend out of Long Beach. Oldest son, Shaun, is US Navy on a submarine (he has always had a "wet" foredeck in past, present and future). Take care and I enjoy reading about past Lancers. Karen (Kidder) Campbell, Class 1973. c/o 1973

Original Post 5/6/2002 9:18:00 PM
Messages : 381 à 390
Page : 39
Nombre de messages : 502