Il mio Guestbook

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Messaggi : 311 --> 320
Pagina : 32
Numero di messaggi : 502
il 08/11/2008 --> 04:21
Voto : -/10

Hello to all the graduates from 1976! Are there any future Reunions planned for our class?... Picnics? Love to hear from anyone that graduated in '76 from LHS...
Time goes by very fast....
il 08/04/2008 --> 19:35
Voto : 10/10

Looking for my good friend Angela Yansen- Bybee, been to all reunions & haven't seen her yet!!!!!!!!!! Best wishes to the largest class...1970!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Messaggi : 311 --> 320
Pagina : 32
Numero di messaggi : 502