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on 07/08/2019 at 19:19
Score : 3/10
It seems as if time keeps moving a long, so often more then not some of us are put away in holes that never seem to let others know where or what has happen to us over the years of long ago. If only there was a way to fill in the holes in ones life, then maybe it would of been better... yet we all know that's not going to happen. Nope we get passed over or shut out from the real of what was once a life that was so great that none of us ever saw it till it was gone... yes it was our school days for then we didn't have to deal with life's every day things like our folks had to deal with. Nope ours were sitting on a bench with our friends , girlfriends (if we were lucky ) talking about really nothing... every thing was great back then. Now life has us either all messed up inside and out... or were off on our own, and wondering what happen... can this really be what we thought our life would turn out to become. Oh well I am still here much older but not the wiser' ... wondering where ever I do from here on out... is what I'll be... nothing more nothing less.... u have a Good Life' enjoy it with those's you love the most...
on 08/12/2018 at 15:29
Score : -/10
It is with great sadness that I let the class of 1979 know that my beautiful sister, Barbara Hall, lost her battle with cancer on 8/10/18.
on 02/21/2018 at 02:59
Score : 5/10
I moved to northern ,CA to Pollack pines,CA. I can step out on my deck and see large deer, Turkey's, and foxes every day. I miss every one but font miss the traffic and cars.God bless and good health. I hope to see everyone on our next picnic 2018.
on 01/20/2018 at 05:21
Score : 10/10
Greetings 1978 Lancers .. We are having our 40th year
Reunion celebration on August 11th at the Long Beach
yacht club. So save the date and look us up on
Our classreport site on the net..
on 12/02/2017 at 14:55
Score : 8/10
I'd like to hear from Patty Walker who when she called I couldn't remember and now do.. and my cousin Laura Burris Lakewood High Lakewood Calif. 1967 graduates Diana Deason
on 11/09/2017 at 18:13
Score : -/10
Kurt of Jupiter,
You're probably referring to "Sharill Hanns", Class of 1985. Very nice girl. I don't know where she is currently, but, now that you have the correct spelling, hopefully this helps.
on 09/25/2017 at 21:39
Score : 10/10
Looking for Cheryl Haans CLASS OF 85-89 I'm thinking
on 06/20/2017 at 14:46
Score : 9/10
on 05/23/2017 at 03:00
Score : 8/10

Hello Lakewood HS 1960 classmate.
Your old classmate Carl Flinn will be having his 75th birthday
on July 22nd at the El Cortez casino in Las Vegas . Inside the fiesta room. Free to come. Must RSVP by June 22nd. RSVP by email
at Tell your friends! Hope to see you there!
on 05/14/2017 at 03:07
Score : 9/10
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Number of messages : 502