Il mio Guestbook

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Messaggi : 51 --> 60
Pagina : 6
Numero di messaggi : 502
il 12/13/2013 --> 08:15
Voto : -/10

Never went to a reunion; never looked back. And now, some 37 years later, there is some sort of desire/need I feel to revisit my wonderful LHS years of 1974-1976. My time on The Cross Country Team & The Track Team are very memorable to me. I very fondly remember and extend the greatest respect and admiration to Coach Meyer and Coach Ryan. If they are no longer with us, RIP gentlemen. To all my old teammates: you guys were the best. Special kudos to Gina Dyer & Denise Smith, the first girls on those athletic teams. You two really rocked our worlds at the time and I am grateful for that! To all my teachers: Mrs. Black (English), Mr. Schaffer (Chemistry), Mr. Seyler (Pre-calculus, although you gave me my only "B" grade! ), Senor Shaler (Spanish) and all the rest who touched my academic life and my real life back in those crazy days of the md 70's! I thank you all. Now at age 55, I look back on those years with great fondness and appreciation. GO LANCERS!!
Messaggi : 51 --> 60
Pagina : 6
Numero di messaggi : 502