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on 07/07/2011 at 18:52
Score : 10/10
Greetings to all Fellow Lancers. We hope to see you all at the Lakewood Alunmi Picnic. For all my 1978 classmates sign on to my site and view our latest featured Video. This compelling video is called, "Remember Me, I need to know". This video is about our troops and their families. Again our site name is:
on 07/01/2011 at 13:39
Score : 8/10
Living in Idaho getting ready to move back to Cally (Hemet) after being gone for 26 years. Thanks ladies for taking me off memorial list. Just had physical and all is good so hope I won't that make that list for awhile. Plan to make picnic in 12. 714-397-0473
on 06/29/2011 at 19:52
Score : 8/10

Hello everyone from the class of 1966. I have been so sad hearing of all of the "kids" from our class who have passed before us. God Bless them and there families.
If anyone from the class of 1966 ever comes to Greenville, SC, please give me a call. 864-241-1221.
Miss yall
Sherry Haun
on 06/17/2011 at 15:05
Score : 10/10
Summer Greetings to all Lancers, especially the class of 1978. Sign on to our 1978 class site. Enjoy the fireworks graphics, updated music of our time and a few slide show depicting our City and School History. We also have a Memorial Slide to the members of our class. Sign on and enjoy. The site link is:
on 06/06/2011 at 06:44
Score : -/10
Happy to hear from Lancers. I was in ROTC and Cecelian Singers.
on 05/28/2011 at 02:08
Score : 10/10
Hi, Has anyone seen Joseph Murrey? or Andy Maurer I believe Joseph is the class of '77 or '78. And Andy in 1977 like me.
I would love to hear from either of them!
My e-mail address is
Barbara Ann Phillips

on 05/27/2011 at 18:16
Score : 10/10
Hi fellow Lancer Alumni, Check out this attached site. Especially classes from the 60's. I have made a slide show in tribute to
the Great American Lakewood Alumni who lost their lives in
the service to our country. Just in time to honor these fine
young men for Memorial Day. The site is:
on 05/23/2011 at 15:58
Score : -/10
hi im a grad of 72 i just want to update my name with the alumni so when we have our 40th i will be notified. my name in school sharron mozingo now boothe. glad i found this site.
on 05/21/2011 at 14:28
Score : 10/10
oh...wanted to add 1976 to my signature in case anyone generically checks for that year of alumni. Thanks again for the hard work and time to prepare this website...I'll definitely spread the word!
on 05/21/2011 at 14:23
Score : 8/10

Wow....just found this website, and hoping more do. I have been so "out of it" with reunions, and after looking at some friendly get-togethers on Facebook, wish I'd stayed in touch more. Well, no time like the present!! I'm not "that far" from Lakewood.... Looking forward to seeing old friends, and making some new ones at the 35th reunion!! Feel free to contact me via email and say "hi"

(oh, anyone know how I can contact Cathy Casdorph or Stacy Tribole??)
Messages : 111
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Number of messages : 502