Lakewood Alumni

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on 01/15/2009 at 19:53
Score : -/10

Betsy....I forgot to give you my e-mail I hope to hear from you soon.
on 12/25/2008 at 18:26
Score : -/10

I'm sorry this message is so late, but I found this site only recently. I am sorry to report that my brother, Don Flock, Class of 1966, survived Viet Nam with the 101st Airborne Division, but passed away at our parents' home in Long Beach in 1992.

Also, sincere condolences to the family of Christine Ann Zeltner, Class of 1966, who passed away in December, 2007.

I have seen a number of familiar names on this site, from Marshall J.H.S. My family lived on Conant St., and at the time, we could choose either Lakewood or Millikan. Steve, my older brother, and I chose Millikan. Later, I guess Lakewood became mandatory for everyone on the north side of the street, because my cousins, Dave, Mary Catherine and John Gilmore, neighbors Danny, Shirley and Tommy O'Neal and Joyce Cobley all attended Lakewood. John Gilmore was studying for the ministry, but passed away unexpectedly in 1979.

“From the moment of birth there is the constant possibility that a human being may die at any moment; and inevitably this possibility is going to become an accomplished fact.”—Arnold Toynbee, British Historian.
Messages : 291 to 300
Page : 30
Number of messages : 502